Ni ade sikit info tentang game2 yang menghina bagi peminat2 games tu...hati2lah ye...
Video game yg menghina agama Islam; Bacalah!
game yg menghina kita...diminta jasa baik saudara- saudaraku sekalian sebarkan komputer game yang menghina islam
1. Devil May Cry 3 (untuk platform ps2) Satu adegan dalam game tersebut dipaparkan pintu kaabah sebagai pintu yg menghubungkan di antara dunia syaitan dan dunia nyata... dan yang membukakan pintu tersebut adalah character c.g.i. yg telah menyerahkan diri pada kuasa ilmu hitam yg sememangnya islam melarang amalan itu ayat character c.g.i. itu ada membaca ayat... klau tak silap lebih kurang begini permulaannya. .. " wahai pintu yang menghubungkan dunia kegelapan"
[dalam bahasa inggeris] dan character itu membaca ayat itu didalam kitab yang dipegangnya. ..
2. Counter Strike Condition Zero Deleted First Stage dia.. Kita kena lawan Tembak dgn askar2 yang BERAGAMA islam... Kalau kita sedar..
Masa kita tembak tuh.. Kita dengar Askar yg kna tembak jerit.. ALLAHUAKBAR. . JIHADD..
3. Prince Of Persia Pedang pada watak tuh.. Ada tulisan Kaligrafi Arabic Alphabatic
"Sebarkanlah ajaranku walau satu ayat pun" (Sabda Rasulullah SAW)
"Nescaya Allah memperbaiki bagimu amalan-amalanmu dan mengampuni bagimu dosa-dosamu. Dan barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan
Rasul-Nya, maka sesungguhnya ia telah mendapat kemenangan yang besar." (Surah Al- Ahzab:71)
Jika kita main game ini bermaksud kite juga menyokong apa yg mereka cuba sampaikan & mereka lakukan; jadi semoga dapat disampaikan
kepada saudara - saudara kita kat luar sana..Ikhlaskan lah hatimu..
Dipetik dari:
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Saturday, 27 June 2009
An An An
What were you doing this morning at 8?
~ sedia mok kawad.. huhuhu
What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
~ atur komputer.. xda bunyi lalu.. doe.. hahaha
What are you wearing right now?
~t-shirt and cream slack
Are you mad at anyone right now?
~nope :)
Are you happy with your living arrangements?
~ yeaa..
Have you ever been searched by the cops? la..huh! xda
How is your hair?
~ biasa jak.. short hair
How many different drinks have you had today?
~ 2! Milo & soya bean~my fav hihi
What have you eaten today?
~ Nasi Ayam Salad.. hehehe
Are you any good at math?
~ I like~
Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
~ x jumpa pantai..
Did you stay friends with your ex's?
~ hahhahaha :)
What are you excited about?
~ jalan2 kat shopping complex..
Where do you keep your money?
~my wallet and some in my piggy bank( TaBunGlAH)
Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
~alone.. privacy
What was the weather like on your birthday?
~ fair.... or I don't remember
What do you hate to do lately?
~format my computer coz byk data hilang.. huhuuh
~ sedia mok kawad.. huhuhu
What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
~ atur komputer.. xda bunyi lalu.. doe.. hahaha
What are you wearing right now?
~t-shirt and cream slack
Are you mad at anyone right now?
~nope :)
Are you happy with your living arrangements?
~ yeaa..
Have you ever been searched by the cops? la..huh! xda
How is your hair?
~ biasa jak.. short hair
How many different drinks have you had today?
~ 2! Milo & soya bean~my fav hihi
What have you eaten today?
~ Nasi Ayam Salad.. hehehe
Are you any good at math?
~ I like~
Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
~ x jumpa pantai..
Did you stay friends with your ex's?
~ hahhahaha :)
What are you excited about?
~ jalan2 kat shopping complex..
Where do you keep your money?
~my wallet and some in my piggy bank( TaBunGlAH)
Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
~alone.. privacy
What was the weather like on your birthday?
~ fair.... or I don't remember
What do you hate to do lately?
~format my computer coz byk data hilang.. huhuuh
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
There is something special today... today is our school teachers' day.. I know it is too late but I think everyday is teachers' day... Tahun tuk, kmk orang buat persiapan untuk Majlis Hari Guru.. Wow! it's first time for me to take part in holding a special event for teachers.. Of course we were helped by some teacher in charge... not charger.. hahaha... I am the head to lead a group to prepare games. I admit that I am not a big help because it is not my speciality.. Luckily our teacher came with a lot of ideas about the games... There are eating jelly using chopstick.. it's not easy I bet you, blowing ten balloons until it's burst!! I would not dare to try it coz I have sound trauma.. hahaha, eat a plate of grapes... yummy... and use sumpit to pops all the balloons..
Early in the morning, 4 am... wahh!! so early.. usually, I wake up at 5 something.. maybe it is caused by spirit of teachers' day.. I went to school about 6 quarter coz I don't have any early duty. So, I'm free... Then, I go to the main hall... wow! they must have spent their night here to finish the backdrop, stage, and decorations, so on....... Thank you.... Then, I went to my class for a while... met Kath busy read some essays on the table.. I joined her to read essays... I just managed to finish one essay.. Then, I headed to main hall, to see some final preparation made by my friends.. testing PA system, arrange the MC script.. so on... Then, my group started to prepare some things for sukaneka. We blew some balloons, took some tables from store.. wow! they are diligent.. After that, I went to back of the stage and have some conversation with my friends.. Then, I rushed here and there... What I'm doing actually?
Then, after speeches...the teachers took their oath and the sing some songs... songs for teachers-theme for teachers' day and "kami guru malaysia". Then, cake arrived.... yuuuhuuuu... Pink rose colour... Then, time for some entertainments... Firstly, Es recite a poem.. He was accompanied by a group of guitarist. Then, Qis sang a song 'To sir with love' originally sang by Lulu in 60s. She is a good singer.. Then, some prefect made their performance.. wow, this is quite new to me...
Then, its time for sukaneka, I am rushing back to the back of the hall, teachers are divided into four groups.. it happened so fast...It's sound like war.. pops here and there.. wow! principal group won the games... Then, time for sesi mesra bersama guru... salam or mok minta maaf or thanks cikgu semua masa tuk... Then we sang Terima Kasih Cikgu.. It's such a sweet song.. We sang out loud.. It made me sad coz it's my last year here.. Then, teachers had their lunch.... Buffet style... After that, we relax for a while... chit chat chit chat..
Me and my friends took some picture... hehehe
Quite funny coz I had to look for a camera as many camera already weak its battery.. hahaha
Early in the morning, 4 am... wahh!! so early.. usually, I wake up at 5 something.. maybe it is caused by spirit of teachers' day.. I went to school about 6 quarter coz I don't have any early duty. So, I'm free... Then, I go to the main hall... wow! they must have spent their night here to finish the backdrop, stage, and decorations, so on....... Thank you.... Then, I went to my class for a while... met Kath busy read some essays on the table.. I joined her to read essays... I just managed to finish one essay.. Then, I headed to main hall, to see some final preparation made by my friends.. testing PA system, arrange the MC script.. so on... Then, my group started to prepare some things for sukaneka. We blew some balloons, took some tables from store.. wow! they are diligent.. After that, I went to back of the stage and have some conversation with my friends.. Then, I rushed here and there... What I'm doing actually?
Then, after speeches...the teachers took their oath and the sing some songs... songs for teachers-theme for teachers' day and "kami guru malaysia". Then, cake arrived.... yuuuhuuuu... Pink rose colour... Then, time for some entertainments... Firstly, Es recite a poem.. He was accompanied by a group of guitarist. Then, Qis sang a song 'To sir with love' originally sang by Lulu in 60s. She is a good singer.. Then, some prefect made their performance.. wow, this is quite new to me...
Then, its time for sukaneka, I am rushing back to the back of the hall, teachers are divided into four groups.. it happened so fast...It's sound like war.. pops here and there.. wow! principal group won the games... Then, time for sesi mesra bersama guru... salam or mok minta maaf or thanks cikgu semua masa tuk... Then we sang Terima Kasih Cikgu.. It's such a sweet song.. We sang out loud.. It made me sad coz it's my last year here.. Then, teachers had their lunch.... Buffet style... After that, we relax for a while... chit chat chit chat..
Me and my friends took some picture... hehehe
Quite funny coz I had to look for a camera as many camera already weak its battery.. hahaha
ada jak,
form 5,
Hari Guru,
never forget,
rutin aku,
sweet memory,
Tahun tuk
Monday, 22 June 2009
As you wish...
Do you have a YouTube account?
* nope
Last book you read for pleasure?
* buku add math.. masa belajar tewk.. hehe^^
In one word, how would you define yourself?
* me. ya jak... apalah aku tuk???
What is you favorite kind of ice cream?
* vaniLLa, strawberry, mint..mana2 nk nyaman la! haha.
What do you like to do in your free time?
* lukis2
What is the last TV program you watched?
* Manjalara.. hehehe
What are you wearing right now?
* Sepasang baju melayu
When you think of the rainbow, what pops in your head?
* Subhanallah~
Are you afraid of the dark?
* ckit la..:p
Do you ever want to get married?
*not now
How long does it take you to get ready to go somewhere?
* 10 minutes .. at least
Would you rather be called hot, cute, or awesome?
* cute pun okeylah:p
Travel by bike or walk?
* bike.
Play any sports?
* badminton
Who knows you best?
* famiLy n GoD :)
Have you learned a new song lately?
* ada ;p
Name one of your cousins:
*mun sebut semua x leh ka? :p
Do you have cancer or know someone who does?
* xda.x ku pinta
What is your current mood?
* joyfull mok tauk sebab, baca post kat bawah tuwk :)
Who do you admire?
* secret
Are you photogenic?
* 1 in 100 :p
Favorite food smell?
* many nGaaa~ nYum
Why did your last relationship fail?
* _no koMen_ :O
Do you like Paramore's music?
* yeah...
What is your favorite softdrink?
* Ice Lemon Tree.. opsss!!! Tea
Are you still a fan of Michael Vick?
* sapa itoo??? haX!
What is worse, physical or emotional pain?
* emotional pain..
* nope
Last book you read for pleasure?
* buku add math.. masa belajar tewk.. hehe^^
In one word, how would you define yourself?
* me. ya jak... apalah aku tuk???
What is you favorite kind of ice cream?
* vaniLLa, strawberry, mint..mana2 nk nyaman la! haha.
What do you like to do in your free time?
* lukis2
What is the last TV program you watched?
* Manjalara.. hehehe
What are you wearing right now?
* Sepasang baju melayu
When you think of the rainbow, what pops in your head?
* Subhanallah~
Are you afraid of the dark?
* ckit la..:p
Do you ever want to get married?
*not now
How long does it take you to get ready to go somewhere?
* 10 minutes .. at least
Would you rather be called hot, cute, or awesome?
* cute pun okeylah:p
Travel by bike or walk?
* bike.
Play any sports?
* badminton
Who knows you best?
* famiLy n GoD :)
Have you learned a new song lately?
* ada ;p
Name one of your cousins:
*mun sebut semua x leh ka? :p
Do you have cancer or know someone who does?
* xda.x ku pinta
What is your current mood?
* joyfull mok tauk sebab, baca post kat bawah tuwk :)
Who do you admire?
* secret
Are you photogenic?
* 1 in 100 :p
Favorite food smell?
* many nGaaa~ nYum
Why did your last relationship fail?
* _no koMen_ :O
Do you like Paramore's music?
* yeah...
What is your favorite softdrink?
* Ice Lemon Tree.. opsss!!! Tea
Are you still a fan of Michael Vick?
* sapa itoo??? haX!
What is worse, physical or emotional pain?
* emotional pain..
F for FUN
Hari tuk boleh aku kategorikan sebagai hari yg sibuk...
Wake up in the morning.... oh my, I haven't practice my part..
Actually, I have persembahan for Bulan Matematik & Sains.. Tahun dolok, aku pernah recite poem ngan Qis... tahun tuk pulak aku ngan kwn2 buat persembahan story of pi... U know what is pi? not the apple pie... u make me hungry, but mathematical pi....
Actually, we need to do it twice, for morning session and afternoon session
Rushing jak aku rasa hari tuk. Then esok ada sambutan hari guru. Biro aku in charge of sukaneka... nasib baik ada bantuan cikgu.. mun x... huhuhu...
In the evevning, byk pengawas berkumpul kat dewan for final preparation.... ada yg susun kerusi, atur PA sistem, rehearsal persembahan.. and macam2..
I love it.. It is like a sampei sik terkata aku mok kata...
aku rasa aku akan rindu ngan suasana tuk tahun depan.... huhuhu
Wake up in the morning.... oh my, I haven't practice my part..
Actually, I have persembahan for Bulan Matematik & Sains.. Tahun dolok, aku pernah recite poem ngan Qis... tahun tuk pulak aku ngan kwn2 buat persembahan story of pi... U know what is pi? not the apple pie... u make me hungry, but mathematical pi....
Actually, we need to do it twice, for morning session and afternoon session

In the evevning, byk pengawas berkumpul kat dewan for final preparation.... ada yg susun kerusi, atur PA sistem, rehearsal persembahan.. and macam2..
I love it.. It is like a sampei sik terkata aku mok kata...
aku rasa aku akan rindu ngan suasana tuk tahun depan.... huhuhu
Hari Guru,
never forget,
rutin aku,
sweet memory,
Tahun tuk
Saturday, 20 June 2009
macam2 jak jadi minggu tuk, hehe...
ada yg best, ada yg bingong....
minggu tuk riya, Mdm Grace bought us some chocolate from Australia...
uiiii.... I got caramel chocolate..
yummy.... Thank you very much..
I love it.. hehehe....
But I still wonder, where is my Bueno....?
I'm looking for it almost a month.. hahahhaha
Juz forget about it...
This week juak, my homeworks had became a mountain..
My fault.. hehehe...kerja lambat... U must become more efisyen, Yan..
Then, hal pelajaran...
Kesilapan murid yg utama:
anggap basic sik penting...
We need to master the basic, especially for learn and apply subject such as Additional Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and sewaktu dgnnya.. The same goes for Language subject, don't underestimate the grammar such as subject-verb agreement... the things like she is, he is, they are, you are, i am, we are...
banyak orang anggap benda macam ya remeh tp benda ya lah asas kepada perkara yang lebih kompleks. Aku selalu tengok orang buat kesilapan kat bahagian basic... so basic is important!!!
That's for this moment....
yg lain kelak2 aku kongsi...
ada yg best, ada yg bingong....
minggu tuk riya, Mdm Grace bought us some chocolate from Australia...
uiiii.... I got caramel chocolate..
yummy.... Thank you very much..
I love it.. hehehe....
But I still wonder, where is my Bueno....?
I'm looking for it almost a month.. hahahhaha
Juz forget about it...
This week juak, my homeworks had became a mountain..
My fault.. hehehe...kerja lambat... U must become more efisyen, Yan..
Then, hal pelajaran...
Kesilapan murid yg utama:
anggap basic sik penting...
We need to master the basic, especially for learn and apply subject such as Additional Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and sewaktu dgnnya.. The same goes for Language subject, don't underestimate the grammar such as subject-verb agreement... the things like she is, he is, they are, you are, i am, we are...
banyak orang anggap benda macam ya remeh tp benda ya lah asas kepada perkara yang lebih kompleks. Aku selalu tengok orang buat kesilapan kat bahagian basic... so basic is important!!!
That's for this moment....
yg lain kelak2 aku kongsi...
Friday, 19 June 2009
I had received almost all of my paper...
However..... most of it ........
urrgghhh..... but thank God..
coz some of it rose...
but there is a room of improvement....
yes!! I will do my best in 1st trial exam....
However..... most of it ........
urrgghhh..... but thank God..
coz some of it rose...
but there is a room of improvement....
yes!! I will do my best in 1st trial exam....
Sunday, 14 June 2009
CoMiNg SoOn.... BCF 2009
Next month, 3 - 11 july 2009
at Sibu Town Square
I'm waiting for it...
at Sibu Town Square
I'm waiting for it...
Saturday, 13 June 2009
What are you listening to?
+saat terakhir-ST12... sedey dgr
What do you need to be doing right now?
+ have dinner...
Who do you hate?
+ ada ka??
Do you think you’re a serious person?
+ sumtime
What was the last thing you drank?
+ soya bean
What are you going to do tomorrow?
+ finish all my assignment...doe
Do you tell your best friend EVERYTHING?
+ not all...
What were you doing at noon yesterday?
+ sembahyang jumaat.. then g sekolah
Who/What made you upset yesterday?
+ dunno
Do you sing in the shower?
+ nope.. x bleh pdh org....
Do you know somebody who has the same birthday as yours?
+ of my friend
What color are your bedroom walls?
+ wHite...pure! :)
Anything you wish you could tell someone but can’t?
+ ada2...huhuuu life nang camtowk..
What other names did your parents consider for you?
+ Mohd Nor... hahaha.. there are too many nor in my family so x jadi laa.
Did you ever get kid’s meals from McDonald’s just for the toys?
+ da...haaaa
Who was the last person you went on a walk with?
+my sis.. beli present hehehhe
Who was the first person you talked to today?
+ my mother ...n_n
What time did you sleep last night?
+ 12
+saat terakhir-ST12... sedey dgr
What do you need to be doing right now?
+ have dinner...
Who do you hate?
+ ada ka??
Do you think you’re a serious person?
+ sumtime
What was the last thing you drank?
+ soya bean
What are you going to do tomorrow?
+ finish all my assignment...doe
Do you tell your best friend EVERYTHING?
+ not all...
What were you doing at noon yesterday?
+ sembahyang jumaat.. then g sekolah
Who/What made you upset yesterday?
+ dunno
Do you sing in the shower?
+ nope.. x bleh pdh org....
Do you know somebody who has the same birthday as yours?
+ of my friend
What color are your bedroom walls?
+ wHite...pure! :)
Anything you wish you could tell someone but can’t?
+ ada2...huhuuu life nang camtowk..
What other names did your parents consider for you?
+ Mohd Nor... hahaha.. there are too many nor in my family so x jadi laa.
Did you ever get kid’s meals from McDonald’s just for the toys?
+ da...haaaa
Who was the last person you went on a walk with?
+my sis.. beli present hehehhe
Who was the first person you talked to today?
+ my mother ...n_n
What time did you sleep last night?
+ 12
Lu fikirlah sendiri
> What does your friends call you?
` yan, suffi
> ur name?
` Mohd Suffian.
> What are your favorite foods?
`food?? i luv all kind of food nk nyaman2..ngaa~ FRIED CHICKEN!!!
> Are you in college now?
` nope....
> Do you work now?
` gik blaja la..
> What song you like to hear when the time you are so lonely?
` my favourite songs :)
> Favorite Movie?
` Night at the museum.. macam belajar sejarah ehh... best owhh mun sejarah hidup macam ya..hahaha
> provide some of your choice number.
` 6..
> name some of your favorite hang outs.
`library.. almost every week
> Do you have other blog?
` noe..
> Are you a party girl/boy?
`not ReaLly.. :)
> is there someone mad/angry at you? If yes. Think why?
` don't know... Lu pikirlah sendiri
> Name some of your friends.
` fuart, echah, teera, umiee, risa
> what is more important? Loved one? Or your Friends?
` Friends
` yan, suffi
> ur name?
` Mohd Suffian.
> What are your favorite foods?
`food?? i luv all kind of food nk nyaman2..ngaa~ FRIED CHICKEN!!!
> Are you in college now?
` nope....
> Do you work now?
` gik blaja la..
> What song you like to hear when the time you are so lonely?
` my favourite songs :)
> Favorite Movie?
` Night at the museum.. macam belajar sejarah ehh... best owhh mun sejarah hidup macam ya..hahaha
> provide some of your choice number.
` 6..
> name some of your favorite hang outs.
`library.. almost every week
> Do you have other blog?
` noe..
> Are you a party girl/boy?
`not ReaLly.. :)
> is there someone mad/angry at you? If yes. Think why?
` don't know... Lu pikirlah sendiri
> Name some of your friends.
` fuart, echah, teera, umiee, risa
> what is more important? Loved one? Or your Friends?
` Friends
I'm back
Connection between you and the last person who text messaged you?
- my sister lho...
How did you and the first in your featured friends become friends?
- sejak form 1 lah...
Can you recall the last time you liked someone?
- for what... wasting my time la...
Where is your phone?
- right in front of me
Last time you felt bad about someone/something?
- last fRiday..hUh!
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
-I'm not an astrologer... maybe.. ahaks
Are you happy with the way things are going?
- of course
Would you ever get a tattoo?
- NEVER!!!
Honestly, do you hate the last girl you were talking to in person?
- nope.. why I want to hate her?
Do you crack your knuckles?
- what?????
Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something?
-maybe... urmmm .. i don't know
Where is the person you miss the most right now?
-they are everywhere
When you are home alone do you still close the door when you shower?
- mesti la...
What was the last thing you drank?
- soya bean... secret of health... hahaha
What time did you go to bed last night?
- around 12
What plans do you have for tomorrow?
- finish all my hills of homework.
In the last 24 hours have you done anything you regret?
- nope.
Do you have a best friend that is a girl?
- ada juak...
What did you do today?
- shopping for birthday present... hahaha last minute work also
Do you hate anyone?
- kind of
Can you watch scary movies?
- when there are many people with me.... if not, I'll fainted alone. hahahahha
Has anyone ever spell your name wrong?
- quite a time...
Would you rather have roommates or live alone?
- roommates.
Did you cry at all today?
- noe..
What were you doing at midnight last night?
- juZt sLeepZzzzZZZZZ
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
- yes.. kk or sleep.. hahaha
Has someone told you that they liked/loved you in the past week?
- uRmmmm..never...
Name ONE thing you love about winter?
- da sNoW!!!!! I want to play with snowman..hahaha
Have you ever cut your own hair?
- yup2! haha time dolok2 la.. weird jadinya
Do you have anything to say to anyone?
- ******* * *** * hahahha
Where is your best friend?
- own home laa..
Have you ever told someone that you loved them?
- nope..
Is your best friend single?
- i don't think so...
What do you want for your next birthday?
- Laptop..personally.. hahahaha
Do you have a secret that you've never told anyone?
- yup!
- my sister lho...
How did you and the first in your featured friends become friends?
- sejak form 1 lah...
Can you recall the last time you liked someone?
- for what... wasting my time la...
Where is your phone?
- right in front of me
Last time you felt bad about someone/something?
- last fRiday..hUh!
Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
-I'm not an astrologer... maybe.. ahaks
Are you happy with the way things are going?
- of course
Would you ever get a tattoo?
- NEVER!!!
Honestly, do you hate the last girl you were talking to in person?
- nope.. why I want to hate her?
Do you crack your knuckles?
- what?????
Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something?
-maybe... urmmm .. i don't know
Where is the person you miss the most right now?
-they are everywhere
When you are home alone do you still close the door when you shower?
- mesti la...
What was the last thing you drank?
- soya bean... secret of health... hahaha
What time did you go to bed last night?
- around 12
What plans do you have for tomorrow?
- finish all my hills of homework.
In the last 24 hours have you done anything you regret?
- nope.
Do you have a best friend that is a girl?
- ada juak...
What did you do today?
- shopping for birthday present... hahaha last minute work also
Do you hate anyone?
- kind of
Can you watch scary movies?
- when there are many people with me.... if not, I'll fainted alone. hahahahha
Has anyone ever spell your name wrong?
- quite a time...
Would you rather have roommates or live alone?
- roommates.
Did you cry at all today?
- noe..
What were you doing at midnight last night?
- juZt sLeepZzzzZZZZZ
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
- yes.. kk or sleep.. hahaha
Has someone told you that they liked/loved you in the past week?
- uRmmmm..never...
Name ONE thing you love about winter?
- da sNoW!!!!! I want to play with snowman..hahaha
Have you ever cut your own hair?
- yup2! haha time dolok2 la.. weird jadinya
Do you have anything to say to anyone?
- ******* * *** * hahahha
Where is your best friend?
- own home laa..
Have you ever told someone that you loved them?
- nope..
Is your best friend single?
- i don't think so...
What do you want for your next birthday?
- Laptop..personally.. hahahaha
Do you have a secret that you've never told anyone?
- yup!
Friday, 12 June 2009
First thing you wash in the shower?
-my head.. refreshing... hahaha
2. What colour is your favorite hoodie?
-hoodie?? what?.
3. Do you like coffee?
-ikut mood....;p
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
6. What’s the last thing u brought?
-sweet corn... for my niece.. hehehe
7. Do you say aim or a-i-m?
-apa ya? anugerah industri muzik ka..:)
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
-nightmare.. won't bother about it... scary
9. Could you eat your favourite food everyday for a month and not get sick of it?
-aie..xmok eh.. klak lejuk klak..
10.are you jealousy?
-yup2! kuat juak la....hahaha xp
11. Do you hve a gastric?
-xda la.. ..haha
12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
-sayo kul... bahasa baru.. hahaha... baru lagi
16. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
-pakei apa... aok la.. pernah.. masa kira stok kat koperasi.. headache... I quit
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
-mana2 pun soodap. n_n
18. Do you use smileys?
-yeaaa..fer sure :))
-my head.. refreshing... hahaha
2. What colour is your favorite hoodie?
-hoodie?? what?.
3. Do you like coffee?
-ikut mood....;p
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
6. What’s the last thing u brought?
-sweet corn... for my niece.. hehehe
7. Do you say aim or a-i-m?
-apa ya? anugerah industri muzik ka..:)
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
-nightmare.. won't bother about it... scary
9. Could you eat your favourite food everyday for a month and not get sick of it?
-aie..xmok eh.. klak lejuk klak..
10.are you jealousy?
-yup2! kuat juak la....hahaha xp
11. Do you hve a gastric?
-xda la.. ..haha
12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
-sayo kul... bahasa baru.. hahaha... baru lagi
16. Have you ever counted to 1,000?
-pakei apa... aok la.. pernah.. masa kira stok kat koperasi.. headache... I quit
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
-mana2 pun soodap. n_n
18. Do you use smileys?
-yeaaa..fer sure :))
Alphabet survey
A - Available?
.haha... no comment
B - Birthday?
.6 Feb...dh lpas daaa..huhuuu
C - caller.. the last?
.Is.... about duty ma..
D - Drink you last had?
.aek milo..huhuuuuee
E - Easiest person to talk to?
.not really...if they not friendly
F - Favorite color/s?
.Blue ... green.. :p
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms?
.gummy bears laa... hahaha
H - Home town?
.cibu srwk :p
I- In deep thought?
.what?? maybe..
J- just got out of a relationship?
.what?? don't understand
K- Killed someone?
.wooo...x pnah..kill nyamok ada la....haha
L - Lime or lemon?
.lemonade.. hahaha
M- Money or love?
N - Number of siblings? hahaha
O - One wish?
P - Person you last commented?
.siapa owh...
Q - Quiet?
.not really
R - Reason you smile?
.smile..happy laa... xkanlah sedih mok smile...hahaha
S - Song you last heard?
.New classic-Drew Seeley
T- Time you woke up today?
.kol 5-6 ...hahha sleep.. wokeup..sleep.. wokeup... at last.. hahaha
U - u happy?
V- Vegetarian?
.noe..meatarian.. haha or humanitarian... hahaha.
W - Worst habit?
.tangguh2 laa....
X - Last X-GF/bf?
Y - Yogurt flavor?
.I don't like it.. I will vomit... doe
Z - Zodiac sign?
.aquarius ... (x_n)'V
.haha... no comment
B - Birthday?
.6 Feb...dh lpas daaa..huhuuu
C - caller.. the last?
.Is.... about duty ma..
D - Drink you last had?
.aek milo..huhuuuuee
E - Easiest person to talk to?
.not really...if they not friendly
F - Favorite color/s?
.Blue ... green.. :p
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms?
.gummy bears laa... hahaha
H - Home town?
.cibu srwk :p
I- In deep thought?
.what?? maybe..
J- just got out of a relationship?
.what?? don't understand
K- Killed someone?
.wooo...x pnah..kill nyamok ada la....haha
L - Lime or lemon?
.lemonade.. hahaha
M- Money or love?
N - Number of siblings? hahaha
O - One wish?
P - Person you last commented?
.siapa owh...
Q - Quiet?
.not really
R - Reason you smile?
.smile..happy laa... xkanlah sedih mok smile...hahaha
S - Song you last heard?
.New classic-Drew Seeley
T- Time you woke up today?
.kol 5-6 ...hahha sleep.. wokeup..sleep.. wokeup... at last.. hahaha
U - u happy?
V- Vegetarian?
.noe..meatarian.. haha or humanitarian... hahaha.
W - Worst habit?
.tangguh2 laa....
X - Last X-GF/bf?
Y - Yogurt flavor?
.I don't like it.. I will vomit... doe
Z - Zodiac sign?
.aquarius ... (x_n)'V
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Ku tanya ku jawab
What are you doing?
- surfing lah, xkanlah shopping..haha
What the last thing you do?
-check my fs, email
What do you listening to now?
-Right na na
Who is the last person you:
-call: faikar
The last novel you read:
- Kembara Amira
Approaching event?
- my niece's birthday
5 of your friend
What do you think 2 doing?
-polah lagu...
What happen when 1 & 4 met?
- story?
When do you last sms to 3?
- a week ago
Last topic with 5?
-urghh.. don't remember
Last met with them
-this morning laa....
Twin object you have
-Sasuke keychain.. somebody has its twin..
Black object around you?
-wallet, phone, spectacle
in your mind?
-ice cream
last movie you watch?
-sifu & tongga
who with you right now?
-Irfan.. hehe just wake up
What he is doing?
-sitting on my leg.. hhhahaha
Last work did you do?
- bio peka
- surfing lah, xkanlah shopping..haha
What the last thing you do?
-check my fs, email
What do you listening to now?
-Right na na
Who is the last person you:
-call: faikar
The last novel you read:
- Kembara Amira
Approaching event?
- my niece's birthday
5 of your friend
What do you think 2 doing?
-polah lagu...
What happen when 1 & 4 met?
- story?
When do you last sms to 3?
- a week ago
Last topic with 5?
-urghh.. don't remember
Last met with them
-this morning laa....
Twin object you have
-Sasuke keychain.. somebody has its twin..
Black object around you?
-wallet, phone, spectacle
in your mind?
-ice cream
last movie you watch?
-sifu & tongga
who with you right now?
-Irfan.. hehe just wake up
What he is doing?
-sitting on my leg.. hhhahaha
Last work did you do?
- bio peka
Hari tuk ada kelas biology.. Ya merupakan sebahagian daripada program waktu cuti. Wake up early in the morning.. err... it‘s so cold. Then.. checking email and testimony.. suddenly, i saw sth... haha.. it‘s not only me who on9 early in the morning..(tauk2 sendiri laa..) we just laugh at each other..haha even we met at school. We juz laugh and laugh...
I‘m the second person who arrived for bio class.. not bionik k.. Today, there are many people as the mrc camp had started. First, there are only me, ana and her sister. Then kath and teera came.. Teera dropped some bombshell to me.. i‘m shocked and sort of slight bi quite good like american english.. amin.. I hope it will be granted..then, the other came.. after class, we collected our money to buy some food.. some fried mee and chicken fried rice.. When the food arrived, I opened the food.. what?! no spoon.. fuad promptly said “oh!we love to eat traditional style”. Luckily me and teera bought fried rice coz it would be odd to eat mee with hand.. hahaa..
after eat, we have some conversation.. there our imagination begin..first, fuad opened recording company and we will be shareholders...then, me, teera and esah will be called dr.. haha.. then, ummi will be teacher.. how about principle.. haha.. many cloud around of imagination...haha...then, talking about past experience... memory..about 11.30 am , we go back home...see you tomorrow guys
I‘m the second person who arrived for bio class.. not bionik k.. Today, there are many people as the mrc camp had started. First, there are only me, ana and her sister. Then kath and teera came.. Teera dropped some bombshell to me.. i‘m shocked and sort of slight bi quite good like american english.. amin.. I hope it will be granted..then, the other came.. after class, we collected our money to buy some food.. some fried mee and chicken fried rice.. When the food arrived, I opened the food.. what?! no spoon.. fuad promptly said “oh!we love to eat traditional style”. Luckily me and teera bought fried rice coz it would be odd to eat mee with hand.. hahaa..
after eat, we have some conversation.. there our imagination begin..first, fuad opened recording company and we will be shareholders...then, me, teera and esah will be called dr.. haha.. then, ummi will be teacher.. how about principle.. haha.. many cloud around of imagination...haha...then, talking about past experience... memory..about 11.30 am , we go back home...see you tomorrow guys
Friday, 5 June 2009
Fadhilat dan kelebihan Silaturahim
Menurut Imam abu Laits 10 perkara yang terpuji apabila kita menghubungkan silaturahim adalah:
1.mendapat keredhaan AllahSWT kerana Allah suka kepada orang yang menghubungkan silaturahim
2.menggembirakan orang yang kita hubungi
3.MENAMBAHKAN kegelisahan iblis
4.menggembirakan para Malaikat
5.memanjangkan umur
6.mendapat keberkatan dalam rezeki kita
7.menambahkan rasa kasih sayang dalam pergaulan
8.menambah pahala amal walaupun sudah meninggal
Semoga kita senantiasa mendapat redha dari Ilahi… Selamat Beramal…
Dipetik dari: Blog Amieyzar
Credit to Amieyzar
1.mendapat keredhaan AllahSWT kerana Allah suka kepada orang yang menghubungkan silaturahim
2.menggembirakan orang yang kita hubungi
3.MENAMBAHKAN kegelisahan iblis
4.menggembirakan para Malaikat
5.memanjangkan umur
6.mendapat keberkatan dalam rezeki kita
7.menambahkan rasa kasih sayang dalam pergaulan
8.menambah pahala amal walaupun sudah meninggal
Semoga kita senantiasa mendapat redha dari Ilahi… Selamat Beramal…
Dipetik dari: Blog Amieyzar
Credit to Amieyzar
buddy or BFFL?
Sebelum tuk memanglah aku seem macam sik berapa percaya ilak pasal kawan karib tuk or BFFL.Ya semua kerana pengalaman yg boleh aku katakan pahitlah.
Aku pernah ada buddy yg dua tahun lebih tua dari aku. Memang terlalu rapat ilak. Dah nama buddy, memanglah rapat oowh.. tp selepas nya masuk sekolah menengah, nya macam anggap aku a little kid , he seem like menjauhi aku, maybe bcoz of my childish character (small heart aku). Tapi kinek tuk dah ok balit dah.
Aku juak ada first friend that i made in primary school. But since masuk darjah empat. Kmk duak seem to quarrel & telah mewujudkan kepuakan dalam kelas. Miak kecik tuk ng mcm2. Aku harap nya maafkan semua persengketaan kmk duak. Ya serba sedikit tentang kisah pahit akutentang masalah dalam persahabatan.
Ada juak kawan karib aku sejak tadika, mmemang sama kelas sejak tadika.. I called him Iin. But, masa darjah empat, nya mok pindah huhuhu... Memang pertemuan dan perpisahan sik dapat dipisahkan.. Nya merupakan antara my best buddylah
Now,aku cerita hal kawan aku kinek tuk. Boleh aku katakan banyak perkara manis aku ngan kwn2 since aku masuk sekolah menengah. Kawan2 memang ada character2 yg tersendiri. Geng2 rapat aku: Faikar,Tira,Esah,Ummi,Qis. and sik lupak juak Afif. haha.. sikda aku lupak ngan kau, lupak juaklah. Sidak ng rapat ngan aku, berkongsi suka dan duka. Pernah aku tension habis hal tugas umum aku hari ya. Sidak sanggup tolong aku walaupun sidak pun buzy waktu ya. Ada juak dak lain yang memang rapat ngan aku juak seperti Kath (saingan kuat sejak f.1, invincible.. hahaha), Era, Ana, Ati, Syida, Ting-ting, Yin yi, Mang Chiu, Sie Kuen, Yee ling, Xiang Yun, Su ling, Lok ing,Da Siang, Siew Ling, Robin, Chong Ing, Kang Chiang, Chris, Lubon... . Sik lupak juak ngan geng2 sekolah yg lain( mok aku taip juak ka nama, boleh full 1 page klak). Ada juak kawan rapat yg aku kenal dr kwn rapat aku. Tauk2 sendirilah. Ada juak kenalan rapat dr internet.
Macam2 karakter kawan aku... ada yg joker, ada yg pemanas, ada yg menyibuk, ada yg menyakitkan, ada yg care, ada yg ceria.. masa mula2 dolok memanglah susah mok adapt myself to the situation...I juz can say help me help me..I am going to be crazy Tapi sekarang tuk aku dapat adapt myself and baruk aku tauk betapa pentingnya kawan kepada aku, I tried to be friendly.. BUt sometimes, I cannot be too friendly... Its my problem...When I am too worry or something meddling in my mind.. I can be very what people say macam nak makan orang jak..
Actually, I seem to be like singa yg lapar to someone yg sik kenal aku..tapi aku sebenarnya memang mok rapat ngan orang asalkan jgn terlalu annoying... coz my patience has a limit... ha ha ha.. It's rarely happens nowadays rather than past times...
Moral of the story is: don't be too annoying and be friendly
Sebelum tuk memanglah aku seem macam sik berapa percaya ilak pasal kawan karib tuk or BFFL.Ya semua kerana pengalaman yg boleh aku katakan pahitlah.
Aku pernah ada buddy yg dua tahun lebih tua dari aku. Memang terlalu rapat ilak. Dah nama buddy, memanglah rapat oowh.. tp selepas nya masuk sekolah menengah, nya macam anggap aku a little kid , he seem like menjauhi aku, maybe bcoz of my childish character (small heart aku). Tapi kinek tuk dah ok balit dah.
Aku juak ada first friend that i made in primary school. But since masuk darjah empat. Kmk duak seem to quarrel & telah mewujudkan kepuakan dalam kelas. Miak kecik tuk ng mcm2. Aku harap nya maafkan semua persengketaan kmk duak. Ya serba sedikit tentang kisah pahit akutentang masalah dalam persahabatan.
Ada juak kawan karib aku sejak tadika, mmemang sama kelas sejak tadika.. I called him Iin. But, masa darjah empat, nya mok pindah huhuhu... Memang pertemuan dan perpisahan sik dapat dipisahkan.. Nya merupakan antara my best buddylah
Now,aku cerita hal kawan aku kinek tuk. Boleh aku katakan banyak perkara manis aku ngan kwn2 since aku masuk sekolah menengah. Kawan2 memang ada character2 yg tersendiri. Geng2 rapat aku: Faikar,Tira,Esah,Ummi,Qis. and sik lupak juak Afif. haha.. sikda aku lupak ngan kau, lupak juaklah. Sidak ng rapat ngan aku, berkongsi suka dan duka. Pernah aku tension habis hal tugas umum aku hari ya. Sidak sanggup tolong aku walaupun sidak pun buzy waktu ya. Ada juak dak lain yang memang rapat ngan aku juak seperti Kath (saingan kuat sejak f.1, invincible.. hahaha), Era, Ana, Ati, Syida, Ting-ting, Yin yi, Mang Chiu, Sie Kuen, Yee ling, Xiang Yun, Su ling, Lok ing,Da Siang, Siew Ling, Robin, Chong Ing, Kang Chiang, Chris, Lubon... . Sik lupak juak ngan geng2 sekolah yg lain( mok aku taip juak ka nama, boleh full 1 page klak). Ada juak kawan rapat yg aku kenal dr kwn rapat aku. Tauk2 sendirilah. Ada juak kenalan rapat dr internet.
Macam2 karakter kawan aku... ada yg joker, ada yg pemanas, ada yg menyibuk, ada yg menyakitkan, ada yg care, ada yg ceria.. masa mula2 dolok memanglah susah mok adapt myself to the situation...I juz can say help me help me..I am going to be crazy Tapi sekarang tuk aku dapat adapt myself and baruk aku tauk betapa pentingnya kawan kepada aku, I tried to be friendly.. BUt sometimes, I cannot be too friendly... Its my problem...When I am too worry or something meddling in my mind.. I can be very what people say macam nak makan orang jak..
Actually, I seem to be like singa yg lapar to someone yg sik kenal aku..tapi aku sebenarnya memang mok rapat ngan orang asalkan jgn terlalu annoying... coz my patience has a limit... ha ha ha.. It's rarely happens nowadays rather than past times...
Moral of the story is: don't be too annoying and be friendly
My Village_ Teratak Rindu
Hello.. I juz came from my village..Actually, JUZ CAME... It‘s a beautiful village. I miss it so much although I juz left it.. On monday,my parents and I woke up early.. It is Gawai Dayak day. Oh gosh! I forgot to wish my friends.. Without a second, I picked up my phone and send some sms. In this modern world, handphone is quite handy. Then, I check my email and fs.I don‘t have too much expectation of receiving any testimony. Then,I took my bath and prepared myself. It s easy for me as I have prepare all my belongings since last night. After breakfast, my brother send us to express boat wharf.. At wharf, i saw a big cruise hotel. It looked like a floating hotel or more specific.. it looked like a chalet.. Our express boat will only departure on 9.30 am. It‘s still early. We go to some shop to do some shopping. I bought a magazine,KAWAN. It‘s quite a good magazine although it looked like for children... It‘s quite informative. As I did not brought any magazine, it would be quite useful during my journey rather than juz sleeping.. Next, we brought our food supply. Then, we entered our express.. waiting and waiting and waiting till 9.30 am. It‘s 9.30 am, now the express started to move. It‘s quite hot till I don‘t feel like to read any book. I tried to sms with my friends but unfortunately I‘m in the middle of river. Network connection cannot reach here..haha.. so, I read the novel Kembara Amira that I‘ve borrow a week ago. It is interesting.. I juz managed to finish 4 chapter. Then, I took this opportunity to take some picture.I hid my phone so that nobody will realize about it. ( ya lah.. apa kata org klak)hahaha... We arrived about 11.40 am.. It is almost noon, i saw many progression here.. Then, kmk orang ambik van (kenderaan awam kat ctuk) pergi ke kampung. When we arrieved at my granny's house, it's already noon.. You know la, jd ikan kering la aku.. Datang rumah, my family kat cnun sambutlah.. bukannya main2 baling2 k...I mean sambut kedatangan kmk orang... First day, I adapted myself to d situation.. It's quite calm here... It's heart of nature... My granny's house kira2 paling hujung kat dalam hutan la... I unpacked my things then all going like usual(I forgot) =.=" but I never cut my connection (pelik English tuk) from my friends so my hp is always near ..
Second days, waking early in the morning.. (x biasa laa mok bangun aher2) cheh! Like usual byk mesej ngan orang..luckily I use a new pack, mun x kayap gue.. The women gathered to see that giacomo book.. You want too..haha.. In the afternoon, it's quite hot till I cannot sleep well... then we watch Upik Abu & Laura after lunch.. Then, I take a short walk by myself in my village.. And I didn't forget to bring my phone so that I can take some pic. It's weird what I'm doing... I took picture here and there.. hahaa..
Third day, two of my cousins go back to the city.. their holidays is finished and they need to get back to work.. Lckily I have a quit long holiday but only a week ++.... why?? I've extra class on next tuesday... so, my holidays is quite short..My homework? I juz managed to finish 30% of it.. arghh,I won't bother about it first .. Afternoon, it's still hot... luckily, my cousin bring some chocolate ice cream. huuiii!! My favourite..... My cousin from another village also came today.. so, it would be more merrier....
Fourth day, I've a nightmare... huh.. siapalah yg cabul sebut hal2 tuk riya sampei aku lalu asyik dream about it... (about ghost laa..) pagi tuk, kmk orang duduk rami2 kat ruang legar utama.. cheh, macam hotel gik rupa.. hahahaha... semua dudok kat sia and macam2lah cerita.. sempat juak bincang hal resepi.. akulah jadi jurutulis tetap resepi mak aku... hahhahahha... tapi jgn lupa coba mak owh.. nyaman jak rupa resepi kueh ya..hahaha.. aku pun apa gik la.. take some picture pakei show ngan family kat sibu klak... Petang ya, my cousin polah roti ban berinti... uiii.. it's make my mouth watery... belom keluar dari oven gik dah berbau harum seluruh rumah.. "Please give me one,"my heart say.. I take a bite of it... wow.. delicious than usual.. hmm... my mother pun sempat polah terapi rawatan spa.. haha.. ada sauna .. massage...hahaha.. It's for health.... malam ya, asyik cerita tentang ***** jak.. tauklah malam tuk malam jumaat tapi jgnlah cerita hal ya...Telling about ghost experience... aku juz pura2 x dgr walaupun aku sebenarnya faham juak apa ceritanya.. Malam ya datanglah agik mimpi ngeri aku.. help me!!
Today, this is my last day at Teratak Rindu, my granny's house... Pagi2 agik aku ngan parents dah bangun. Then, take bath and get ready... I wear my quite new t-shirt (birthday gift by my sis) and my last raya jeans(I've just wore it twice as I don't really wear jeans).. Then, We have our breakfast... About 8.30am, we go to pasar. Express boat to Sibu will only available at 10.30 am.. Wow, we are quite early.. After booking our seats, we have morning lunch as we will only arrived at 1 pm.. I have a fried mee, quite a heavy food...Lepas ya, kmk org juz wandering around the pasar.. about 10 pm.. we go to wharf.. it's time for express to go, we entered the express boat... 10.30.. the express started.. GOODBYE.. Daro....


Scene from my seat
I'm listening to music

keadaan dekat waf Daro

Jln2 petang
juz got up from sleep
walking around
Second days, waking early in the morning.. (x biasa laa mok bangun aher2) cheh! Like usual byk mesej ngan orang..luckily I use a new pack, mun x kayap gue.. The women gathered to see that giacomo book.. You want too..haha.. In the afternoon, it's quite hot till I cannot sleep well... then we watch Upik Abu & Laura after lunch.. Then, I take a short walk by myself in my village.. And I didn't forget to bring my phone so that I can take some pic. It's weird what I'm doing... I took picture here and there.. hahaa..
Third day, two of my cousins go back to the city.. their holidays is finished and they need to get back to work.. Lckily I have a quit long holiday but only a week ++.... why?? I've extra class on next tuesday... so, my holidays is quite short..My homework? I juz managed to finish 30% of it.. arghh,I won't bother about it first .. Afternoon, it's still hot... luckily, my cousin bring some chocolate ice cream. huuiii!! My favourite..... My cousin from another village also came today.. so, it would be more merrier....
Fourth day, I've a nightmare... huh.. siapalah yg cabul sebut hal2 tuk riya sampei aku lalu asyik dream about it... (about ghost laa..) pagi tuk, kmk orang duduk rami2 kat ruang legar utama.. cheh, macam hotel gik rupa.. hahahaha... semua dudok kat sia and macam2lah cerita.. sempat juak bincang hal resepi.. akulah jadi jurutulis tetap resepi mak aku... hahhahahha... tapi jgn lupa coba mak owh.. nyaman jak rupa resepi kueh ya..hahaha.. aku pun apa gik la.. take some picture pakei show ngan family kat sibu klak... Petang ya, my cousin polah roti ban berinti... uiii.. it's make my mouth watery... belom keluar dari oven gik dah berbau harum seluruh rumah.. "Please give me one,"my heart say.. I take a bite of it... wow.. delicious than usual.. hmm... my mother pun sempat polah terapi rawatan spa.. haha.. ada sauna .. massage...hahaha.. It's for health.... malam ya, asyik cerita tentang ***** jak.. tauklah malam tuk malam jumaat tapi jgnlah cerita hal ya...Telling about ghost experience... aku juz pura2 x dgr walaupun aku sebenarnya faham juak apa ceritanya.. Malam ya datanglah agik mimpi ngeri aku.. help me!!
Today, this is my last day at Teratak Rindu, my granny's house... Pagi2 agik aku ngan parents dah bangun. Then, take bath and get ready... I wear my quite new t-shirt (birthday gift by my sis) and my last raya jeans(I've just wore it twice as I don't really wear jeans).. Then, We have our breakfast... About 8.30am, we go to pasar. Express boat to Sibu will only available at 10.30 am.. Wow, we are quite early.. After booking our seats, we have morning lunch as we will only arrived at 1 pm.. I have a fried mee, quite a heavy food...Lepas ya, kmk org juz wandering around the pasar.. about 10 pm.. we go to wharf.. it's time for express to go, we entered the express boat... 10.30.. the express started.. GOODBYE.. Daro....
Scene from my seat
keadaan dekat waf Daro
Jln2 petang
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